More Eco Friendly Changes Coming To Trader Joe’s Stores
Trader Joe’s is listening to its customers feedback and giving them what they want.
No they aren’t releasing one whole pound of cookie butter or anything (but that’d be a cool idea), but the grocery chain announced their plains to reduce plastic and other types of packaging waste.
Plastic bags at Trader Joe’s locations in California as you may have noticed, have been banned. Biodegradable and Reusable options are available for use and purchase instead. I always keep my reusable TJ’s bag in the trunk of my car.
Trader Joe’s also plans on making more eco friendly changes such as:
- Selling produce as loose items
- Using compostable material for plastic sleeves on greeting cards
- Replacing plastic wrappers on flowers with renewable material
The Trader Joe’s latest Fearless Flyer read:
“As we fulfill these steps in 2019, on an annual basis, we are eliminating more than 1 million pounds of plastic from our stores, Thank you; we’re listening.”
Do you think more grocery chains and stores should follow in the footsteps of being more environmentally friendly like Trader Joe’s?